Economics may be broken down as follows:
General equilibrium --
Industrial organization --
Financial economics --
Public finance --
International trade --
Labor economics --
Development economics --
Environmental economics --
Evolutionary economics --
Public choice theory --
Public goods --
Economic geography --
Network effect --
Transport economics --
Supply and Demand --
Consumer Theory --
Health economics
Stabilization policy --
Economic growth --
Purchasing power parity --
supply side economics --
Gold standard
Econometrics --
Game Theory --
Mathematical economics
See also
Related fields
History of economic thought -- Political economy -- Political
science -- Accounting -- Finance -- Operations research --
Home economics
Selected topics
Economists -- The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences
in Memory of Alfred Nobel -- Communism -- Capitalism -- Coordinatorism
-- Market economy -- Informal economy -- Freiwirtschaft --
Synthetic economies -- Participatory economics -- Natural
capitalism -- Stock exchange -- economic indicator -- Regulation
-- Deregulation -- Privatization